
Your credit profile is constructed from the information major South African credit bureaus have on record about you.

Banks, insurance companies, cell phone service providers, clothing stores and other retailers, doctors and other medical facilities, municipalities/metros, loan providers, and many other businesses and organisations regularly provide information about you, good or bad, to these bureaus.

Your credit score is calculated based on your overall credit profile.

Negative information in your credit profile and a low credit score can cause all sorts of problems for you

You could be turned down for a personal loan, home loan, car finance, credit card, cell phone contract, or other credit agreement based on your credit profile and score – even if you can afford the repayments.

Some employers and rental agents also check credit profiles and scores so negative information and a low score could cost you a job offer or lease.

Knowing what is on your credit profile and why is the first step to improving and maintaining your financial reputation.

A carefully managed and monitored credit profile also helps to prevent identity theft and minimise the damage if someone does attempt to steal your identity and use it to fraudulently open accounts or enter into credit agreements in your name. The faster you are aware of any suspicious activity and the more information you have, the better you will be able to deal with the situation.

Our Credit Profile Assist benefit gives you the information you need to understand, improve, and manage your credit profile.

What you get

    • An updated and detailed credit report is obtained from a major South African credit bureau (XDS) every month, formatted to make it easier to read and understand, and the results placed within your personal profile on our membership portal.
    • You will receive an SMS alert every time a new credit report is loaded and your profile is updated. You can also log in any time during the month to see the latest information.
    • Having this up-to-date credit report information at your fingertips all the time allows you to immediately spot new issues that may affect your credit profile and take action to resolve them. It also makes it easy for you to compare your credit score from month to month and see if your creditworthiness is getting better or worse over time.
    • This report is much more detailed than the yearly free report offered by credit bureaus and because a new credit report is pulled every month, not just once a year, you be aware of any problems much faster and be able to take action to investigate and resolve them.

    How it helps you

    The Credit Profile Assist benefit helps you to:

    • Know exactly what’s on your credit profile, and what loan/credit providers, landlords, employers, etc. are finding out about you when they pull a credit report.
    • Understand why you may have been turned down for a loan or credit agreement in the past.
    • Have the correct information to be able to make decisions and improve your credit score and reputation so you aren’t turned down for loans and credit agreements in the future.

    How it Works

    • Once your ICS MaximAssist Life Enhancement Plan membership has been confirmed (i.e., your first debit order has been successfully processed), you will be registered on our member portal and login details will be sent to you.
    • Please log in as soon as convenient to familiarise yourself with the portal and the information it contains. Understanding and actively using the information provided to you allows you to get maximum value out of your membership.
    • If you encounter any problems logging in or don’t understand the information displayed inside the portal, simply phone our call centre and one of our consultants will help you.

    Please note: The Credit Profile Assist benefit is provided as part of the ICS MaximAssist Life Enhancement Plan and is only available to current, paid-up members.

    Ready to Sign Up
    via our Easy
    Online Process?

    See also:

    MaximAssist Plan

    Financial Wellness Assist

    Personal Loan Assist

    Grocery Vouchers Assist

    Debt Assessment Assist

    Want to talk to one
    of our consultants?

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    printable copy of the MaximAssist
    Plan Overview